Feature Ideas

  1. Crypto payment methods

    I would like to see cryptocurrencies added to payment methods. ex BTC,BCH,TRX

    #Misc 🤷


  2. Use other payment processor (besides Stripe)

    Stripe has extremely bad rep for closing accounts now and having your funds stuck on the platform, unable to cash out. There are definitely other payment processors that are not as volatile that can be used in place of Stripe.

    #Integrations 🔗


  3. Seller/customer communication

    Allow in app chat communication with the seller prior to forwarder purchase?

    Rikki Pitt


  4. Bulk Update/Delete Forwarders

    Add a Feature to Bulk Update Forwarders(Tags, Supporting details). Add a Feature to Bulk Delete Forwarders in both Trash and the front page.

    #Improvement 👍


  5. Editable "default email" profiles

    So currently, if I don't enter an email to forward to, it will forward to my default email. If I add any other email and need to change it later on, I need to go through each associated forwarder and change that email one at a time. What if we could set different "default email" profiles that could be selected and, when edited, would update all associated forwarders accordingly?

    Lawrence G
    #Improvement 👍#Misc 🤷


  6. Mobile app

    Ability to manage and create new emails from a mobile device with native app.

    Konstantin C
    #Deal Breaker 💔


  7. On-the-fly aliases with subdomain

    Allow us to create aliases that are used in the forwarder address. Then let us create aliases on the fly without using an extension or logging back into the app. For example, if I choose the word 'bonkers' I can give people the email wordpress.bonkers@url.com and when the email is received by vend, you can see tell who owns this and redirect the mail accordingly.

    #Improvement 👍


  8. Generate new aliases straight from the browser

    Extension to be able to view, create, manage forwarders from our browser without having to come back to the website.

    #Improvement 👍


  9. E2E GPG/OpenPGP Encryption

    Bring our own GPG/OpenPGP public keys and add them per recipient. We can then easily toggle encryption on and off. With encryption on, all forwarded messages will be encrypted with our public key. Only we will be able to decrypt them with the corresponding private key. Let us even hide and encrypt the email subject.

    #Improvement 👍


  10. API Access

    Allow API access to manage our aliases, recipients, domains and additional usernames using the API

    #Improvement 👍


  11. App

    Would it be possible to make this into a downloadable .exe for convenience?

    Jacob A
    #Improvement 👍


  12. Multi-Forward Filters

    I use the same forward email to register into same niche newsletters, and receive all of them into the same recipient address. What I would like to have available is: an option to see somekind of list with all the email addresses (+names?) from senders that have emailed me at least once into that forward.If possible, to be able to go through that email list, and be able to see the forward emails separated by each of those senders. For example: 1- Hunters X | huntersx@substack.com --- huntersx email 1 + date --- huntersx email 2 + date 2- Newbie Hunter | newbiehunter@beehiiv.com --- newbiehunter email 1 + date --- newbiehunter email 2 + date --- newbiehunter email 2 + date etc Hope it makes sense.

    #Improvement 👍
